Can't stop questioning!

Classical Control Theory

Tuyen D. Le April 30, 2022 [Control] #Brian-Douglas

1. Background

1.1. Step function


1.2. Impulse unit function (in descrete domain)

Impulse function

We will use this relation later on.

1.3. "Linear and Time Invariance" (LTI) systems

LTI system

An example of LTI system.

LTI example

1.4. Laplace transformation

Laplace transformation

2. Transfer function

Q. What is impulse response $h[n]$ of a system?
A. When the input is a impulse unit function $\delta [n]$ (see "Impulse unit function" section above)

impulse responses

Now, if we take a Laplace transformation of $y[n]$, we have.

We call $H[s]$ is the transfer function of the system.

An example of using impulse response in the system.

impulse responses example

From convolution to transfer function.


impulse responses example

Let take a step back to understand this picture. In this case, $u(t)$ is input, and $x(t)$ is output. If we take $u(t)=\delta (t)$, we should have $x(t)=X(t)$ at the output. Taking Laplace transformation both side of the equation, $X(s)$ becomes Transfer function of the system.

impulse responses example

3. Fourier transformation

Fourier transform

Q. Why sinusoidal?
A. Because its shape is the same in the LTI system. We only need to care about amplitude $A$ (i.e. Gain) and phase $\Phi$.

Fourier use sinusoidal

No phase information included.

Fourier no phase included

Using complex number to include phase information into account.

Fourier complex number

4. References

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